Timber and Coppice Products

Timber and Coppice products can be cut to your specifications, please contact us with your requirements.

We are able to produce a variety of bespoke fencing boards, panels and sawn timber to non-standard sizes. Timber and coppice is predominantly sourced from locally managed woodlands in Devon and Cornwall. Coppiced Sweet Chestnut tends to be sourced from West Sussex.

Western Red Cedar

We are able to produce cleft Cedar boards for fencing. Cleft board lengths can range from 1.5m to 2.6m. These can be finished with sawn edges for a contemporary look or finished using a drawknife for a rustic look. We produce cleft Cedar post & rail fencing, woven slatted panels, woven screens and contemporary slatted panels.

Cleft Cedar boards are calculated per square metre coverage. Cedar post & rail is ordered per bay size, taking into account the number of rails. Custom designed slatted panels and screens are per panel size & style.

English Oak

We cleave Oak for various rustic products, such as:

  • Pales and Pickets
  • Trellis
  • Gates
  • Fencing

Green Oak can also be sourced and sawn to specification for boards and beams. We make to order various styles of Oak slatted fencing panels, which can be treated or left to weather to a silvery grey as in the photo.

Oak slatted fence panels

Other Sawn Timbers

Other timbers can be sourced from the South West region and sawn to specification, such as:

  • Ash
  • Beech
  • Cherry
  • Western Red Cedar
  • Douglas Fir
  • Spruce (Norway and Sitka)
  • Larch
sawn Beech

Sweet Chestnut

a versatile wood that can be cleaved and provides long lasting fencing material without the need for preservatives. We make and install.

  • Chestnut fencing post and rail
  • Chestnut gates and rustic furniture
  • Chestnut cleft pales and pickets
  • Pergolas
  • Arbors

Please note that most stock held of Sweet Chestnut is used in our projects. However it is possible to source bulk quantities when we restock. Please call to discuss your requirements.

coppiced Sweet Chestnut

Coppice for Fascines

Lower grade small diameter coppice material is suitable for making fascines for river bank revetment work. These can be combined with living Willow stakes.  Quantities available will vary from season to season depending on the coppice coups being cut or restored.

Please contact us with your requirements.

Lengths of fascines range from 2.1m to 3m and 30cm diameter is the standard size.


coppiced Sweet Chestnut