Tag Archives: trellis

Sculptural Trellis using Cleft Chestnut

Sculptural Trellis

Here are some photos of a bespoke trellis fence that is made from cleft Sweet Chestnut batons and rinded small diameter poles. Part of the inspiration for this design was taken from a Swedish style of rural fence and this was worked into a sculptural design to fit the needs of this project.

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A pole frame was constructed and fixed to posts either side of the gap in the hedge. The righthand side post was split down the middle and the poles were fixed inside before being bolted together.

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The batons were fixed to the frame with galvanised nails.

Trellis Designs

Here are a few more examples of bespoke trellis that can be fixed to a wall or side of a building. Due the variability of cleaved wood every one is unique, so the designs that can be made are endless.

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Cleft Sweet Chestnut is extremely durable and doesn’t require wood preservatives. The wood will weather to silvery grey overtime.

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